1897 Society Legacy Logo

The 1897 Legacy Society recognizes alumni and friends of Bradley University who have included Bradley in their wills, estate plans, or life-income arrangements.

Life-income arrangements can include charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, life insurance, or remainder interests in residences and farms.

The Legacy Society complements our annual giving societies and allows the University to honor you as a member of a special group of benefactors. Nearly 700 have accepted membership since the Society was established in 1992. Members are noted in Bradley Magazine (formerly Hilltopics) with permission, invited to Founder's Day and other selected events, and receive an 1897 lapel pin to wear with pride.

For more information, please contact Charlie Roy, Executive Director of Development, Planned Giving, at (309) 677-2241 or croy@bradley.edu in the Office of Planned Giving.

1897 Society Legacy Form

Current Members:

Ralph and June Grandle
Richard Carraway
John and Merri Carey-Lynch
Louise H. Abele*
Elizabeth Briddick Adams
Nick* and Sandra Adkins
Estate of Sara Adler*
William C. Albrecht*
Jeff and Bonnie Alexander
Elizabeth Roecker Alt*
Charles A. and Audrey (Limonta) Anderson
Harold and Edith Anderson
John and Lucy Anderson
Jeffrey Sterling Andrews
Frank Arceri*
Jeff and Debby Arseneau
John F. Bacilek
John L. Barrett*
Patrick and Eleanor Barron
Allan and Lorie Bartel
Charles W. Barton, Jr.
Glen Barton*
Elwin and Phyllis Basquin*
Walter L. and Marilyn J. Beiter
Len and Donna Bertolini
Dr. Rathi K.* and Sikha Bhatacharya*
Dr. Richard G. Bjorkland*
Kenneth W. Black*
Verna M. Blackburn*
Mr.* and Mrs.* Richard H. Bogard
Donald E. Bohatkal
Mr.* and Mrs.* Warren L. Bohner
Mr.* and Mrs.* Lyle B. Boucher
Mr.* and Mrs.* F.M. Bourland
John and Janice Bowman
Daniel Brabec
Dr. John R. Brazil*
Dr. John I.* and Mrs. Ruth R.* Brewer
Max G. Brittain, Jr.
Charles S.* and Millicent P.* Brown
Robert W.* and Barbara B.* Brown
Stephen and Janice Brown
Tom Browning
Charles and Susan Brunner
Mr.* and Mrs.* Lewis J. Burger
Robert O. Burt*
Mrs. Marilyn Ross Burton*
Paul C. and Arlene A. Bute
Helen C. Campbell*
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Camplin
Allen* and Marilyn* Cannon
Margaret L. Carter
Howard and Sue (Keele) Carver
Anthony R. Chorak*
Ruth G. Christensen*
Julie Colvin Clark*
Ellen Sohn Clauss and Ronald N. Clauss
Larry Coffman
Terry D. and Judith Q. Cole
Drs. Kent and Nina* Collins
June Shalkhauser Combs*
Bruce E.* and Georgiana* Conibear
Sheila A. Consaul
Calvin C. and Joan M. Coolidge
Dr. Carol A. Coram
Edward L. Council and Bridget M. McManus
Florence I. Courtright*
Ralph G. Crammond*
Craig Crawford
John and Marilyn Cross
Steven J. Crowley
Tracey 'Jack' and Madeline 'Jean' Cove
Fred* and Jean* Dace
Kelly J. Dace
Daniel F. Dahlke
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Daly*
George Ann Danehower*
Ben and Judy Darrow
Sidney* and Iris* Davidson
Dr. James L. and Susan D. Davis
John E.* and Ann E.* Davis
L. Fred Davis*
Maynard P. and Elsie M.* Davis
Mrs. Sally Davis-Ekstrand*
Byron and Sylvia* DeHaan
Mike and Lori Dekeyser
Dick and Judy DePalma
Robert John Dersch*
Patrick and Nancy Dickerson
Robert H.* and Marion M.* Dickman
Gwendolyn W. Dilley*
Robert and Sharon Dixon
Linneaus C. and Phae H. Dorman
Burton Doty*
Gillian Draper
Bruce E. Druckenmiller*
Len Smith & Molly Dunn
Randall R. Dunn
Mrs. Jane Hall Eberhard*
Dr. Lawrence A. Edler
Richard L. Ehrhardt*
Carol Gail Eigsti*
James E. Eilers, PhD*
Roy L. Etheridge*
Jack Errion*
Dr. Kenneth E. and Susan Fahrenholtz
Amy K. Fairfield
Michael G. Fassett
James* and Jane Fiala
Bruce G. Fineman, M.D.
Sylvia* and Don Fites
Calvin A.* and Sharrie A. Flaig
Dianne M. Fleming
Dr. Edward B. Flint and
Ms. Jeannette L. Gruber
Jay Fowler
Mr.* and Mrs. Joseph E. Fox
Anne L. Fredd
Steven and Michelle Frey
Kenneth* and Helen Furlong
Carol L. Gard
Leslie Holton Grigg Garvin
Paul and Mary Genis
Bruce Genthner
Jack A. Gillespie*
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert Gilmore
LeeAnn Ewan Glatz and Jay A. Glatz
Dr. Donald and Cynthia Glover
Jerry H. Gold
Ken Goldin*
James L. Gould
Jeffrey R. Gower
Kathleen Graffam
Lee A.* and Marjorie A. Gramm*
Lorraine Greenfield Trust
Jeffrey H. Greenfield
Norm Greisen
Elizabeth G. Griebel*
Lowell and Alice Grieves
Robert E. Griswold*
Walter C.and Janet Gross Jr.
Barbara Bitting and Homer Gurtler*
Betty J. Gustin*
Dale and Joanne Hachtel

Bradley D. Hahn
Ron and Jean* Hall
Russell P. and Michelle A. Hammond
Michael P. Hailperin*
Earl and Kay Harbaugh
William F. Hardin*
James Harper*
Mr.* and Mrs. Jim Harrer
Ronald Harris*
Richard B. Hasbrouck*
Cliff* and Betty* Hasselbacher
Steve and Rhonda Hasty
Walter I.* and Joanne Haupt
Mr.* and Mrs.* James H. Hawk
Jerry L.* and Marilyn J. Hayden
Edward H. Heilbron*
Richard and Norma Helfrich
Dr. Patricia A. Helms
Mr.* and Mrs. Jack R. Henderson
Gary C. and Linda K. Henzl
Ms. Laura Herlovich
Dr. Robert* and Rita* Hertenstein
Paul H. Herzog
C. Lee* and Wylma* Hinkley
Winifred D. Hobaker*
Mr.* and Mrs.* T.H. Hodgin
Phyllis and Jerry Hoeft*
Robert G. and Margaret L. Hoerner
Beth Huhn Hoffman
James A. and Ellen C. Holmes
Donald R. Holton
David C. Horowitz*
Ellen Harney Hosking
Virginia Coker Householder*
Laurie* and Bud* Howe
Robert C. Howell, Jr.*
Eva E. Hunsicker*
Luanne Hurst*
Louetta Irwin*
Jay and Joan Janssen
Ruth A. Jass*
Nancy A. Jaster
Judith Rutkowski Johnson
Robert A. Johnson*
Jean Burd Jorden*
Vicki Johnson
Celesta S. Jurkovich and Lyle H. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Kamil
Lynn and Wayne Kaplan
Nadine and Ron Kapper
William and Helen (Czachorski) Kasley
Patricia Doran Kellogg
Philip M. Kellstedt*
Andrew H. Kilgus, M.D.
Roger and Linda Kilpatrick
Ed and Mary King
Donald G. Kissock
Wayne Klasing
Lou W. Klejbuk, Jr.
David and Beverly Klintworth
Vivian B. Kohout*
Ken and Doris* Kolb
Thomas E. Komnick
Norma J.* and George J.* Kottemann
Peter W. Koukola
Jacquelyn Safford Krag
John A. Krallmann
Carol Kranz and David Gross
Dennis and Carolyn Kroll
Mr. and Mrs. Thadd (Ted) J. Krupa
Mr. Earl J. LaBrier*
Lanny and Kay Lamont*
Dr. Edward Lee and Cheryl Lamoureux and Family
Drs. Michael R. and Peggy L. Lane
Rose Marie Schneider Langfels*
Dick Lansing
Dr. Barbara E. Lawrence
Marion and Nathaniel Lazan
Allison Lee
John V.* and Mary M. Leengran
Rodney W. Leininger*
Paul H.* and Josephine* Lewis
Sally Erikson Lewis
Charles* and Jeanette Linn
Duane H. and Sandra J.* Livingston
Wiley G. Loveless, Jr.
Richard W. Luehring
Michael and Pamela Luenz
Dr. Ronald W. Lundgren*
Robert Louis Luzzo
Jesse Maberry
Cindy and Mike MacConnie 
Don* and Peggy Maisel
Patricia A. Mandler
Robert Marchetti and Melissa Leary
Sam Marcosson
Fred Marcussen
James R. Martin*
John* and Ruth* Martin
David Mateer
Robert W. McCallum*
Mr.* and Mrs.* Cecil L. McClaren
Robert L. McCune*
Kay W. McCurdy
Gladys M. McDonald Estate
Rose M. McKee
Malcolm M. McKenzie*
Bob and Nanette* Meals
Dean A. and Jo Ann Mefford
Pete Merkle*
Harry D. Merritt*
H. Donald Merritt, Jr.
Katherine M. Bredel Meyer
Joan* and Ken Milani
Kevin Marc Millen
Gregory Miller
Lee E.* and Sylvia R. Monroe*
Lee L.* and Mary H.* Morgan
Mr.* and Mrs. Gene Morse
Eldred George Mugford*
Louis I. Mund*
Emma H. Naumann*
Robert J. Neary*
Irvin C. Nelick*
Anamarie Neumiller
Matthew A. Noe and Marvin Salazar
Jean L. Nunnally
Maureen S. O'Brien
John and Joan O'Sullivan
Doris L.* and James L.* Olson
Nick and Nancy Owens
Mrs. Charles Pape*
John P.* and Colleen* Pearl
Gary M. Peplow
Muriel E. Peterson*
Richard L. and Helene M. Peterson
John D. Phillips*
Warren W. Pinto
John* and Diane Powell
William K. Pratt
Wayman L. Prince
J. D. and Nancy Hinrichs Proehl
C. Ray and Roberta * Prussner
Paula A. Prutsman

Irene Wilkins Putnam*
James B. Quest*
Wendy and Scott Racine
James A. Radosevich
Charles* and Marlyn Rager
Robert M. and JoAnn C. Randolph
Camille A. and Harold B. Ratcliff
Jack Reding*
Paul Remack* and Linda Theuriet
Robert R. Rennie*
Warren G. Reynolds*
Catherine H. Ricciardelli
Deane E. Richardson*
Joanne M. Richie
John D. Riter
Ms. Winifred Ward Roberts
Richard and Lelia* Rocke
Jill M. Roggeveen
Michael Romano
John A. and Candace E. Palmer Rosene
Roger W. Roszell
Mr.* and Mrs.* Samuel Rothberg
Mrs. Robert Saner*
John and Virginia Rowe
Janice Heinz Ruggerio*
John and Cynthia Ruhaak
Kimberly McGrath Rutledge
Fred and Josephine S. Rutter
Cindy Sample
Steven R. Sappington
S. Sherman Sarff
Elizabeth Saunders
William J. Scarpaci
Norma L. Schaumburg*
Susan Schlegel
Shirley Arends Schlink
George R. and Elizabeth A. Schmelzle
Mrs. Chuck (Bonnie) Schofield
Robert R. Schwartz II
Judith Schweickert*
A.J. Mike Schwindenhammer
Kenneth E. Scogin*
John A.* and Eleanor L.* Sears
Richard W. Seiler
Elaine McCaddon Sellmer*
David William and Mary Margaret Shaw
Timothy F. Shea
Delmar D. Sherwood*
Jon A. Shipp and Teresa A. Shipp
William A. Shuck*
Pamela Shuck-Hoehne
Don and Ginny Sidlowski
Toni Siegle*
Bob and Carolyn Siffermann
Howard M.* and Katherine J.* Simpson
Anne and Thomas* Smith
Mel Smith and Janet Carl Smith
Ms. June I. Snow*
Myron M. Solomon
Victoria R. Sparks
James E. Sparling*
Mrs. Evalyn L. Spinder
George Allen Spurr
Stephen T. and Carla R. Stark
Jim K. Steen
Wayne K. Stein*
Darrell E. Sternberg*
William and Deborah Stickelmaier
Jacqueline Stoecker*
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Strauss, Jr.
Mr. Frederick J. Stuber
James W. and Rosemary K. Stuttle
Dr.* and Mrs. Conley I. Stutz
Scotty and Gaye* Sullivan
Lois McClintick Sunderland*
Fred D.* and Nancy* Sundstrom
Harriett and Gene* Swager
Eric S. Swartz
Tucker and Maggie Szold
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert M. Talbott
Thomas M. Taylor*
Philip J. Teeter
Patti Tencza
Quentin E. Thompson
Stephen M. Tiber
Donald Titus
George* and Verna* Tozian
Dr. John and Marilyn* Trefzger
Anthony and Lisa Troglio
Harold D. Turley*
John L. and Rosemary M. Ufheil
David F. Ulmer
Dale and Phyllis Unruh
J. Michael VanZandt
Robert O. and Karen M. Viets
Harold A. 'Pete' Vonachen Jr.*
Harold A. 'Rocky' Vonachen III
Commissioner Leo von Scheben
David C. Voss
Sally Tippett Walker*
Terry A. and Carol H. Walters
Matthew D. Waugh
Dr. Linda Marilyn Weaks
Steve and Shelley Weaver
E. Paul* and Katharine* Weih
Philip* and Rose Jaffe* Weinberg
Susan G. Weinberg
Max A. and Ardith Mehrings Wessler
Joe* and Bernadette West
Brian Lee Weyeneth
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weyhenmeyer Jr.
Chuck Wharton
Clara J. Wiegman*
Michael A. Willis
Mrs. Elsie J. Willett*
Dr. Maurita Willett*
Pamela S. Wilson
Barbara J. and Nelson A. Wright III
Donald* and Marsha Wurtlin* Trust
Murray and Rena Yeomans
James Stephen and Linda Kay Yerbic
Helen J. Young*
Lawrence E. and Sandra A. Zabinski
Dr. Ray Zarvell*
Ronald and Judith Ziemba
Herbert W. Zobel*
Willis E.* and Nancy Zobrist
Charles J. Zordani
Bruce Fineman*
Joanne Haupt*
John Trefzger*
Charles Prussner*
Kenneth Kolb*

*Deceased as of September 1, 2024




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